Beef stroganoff



  • 1 tbls Olive Oil
  • 1 Onions
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 1 tbsp Butter
  • 250g Mushrooms
  • 500g Beef Fillet
  • 1tbsp Plain Flour
  • 150g Creme Fraiche
  • 1 tbsp English Mustard
  • 100ml Beef Stock
  • Topping Parsley


  1. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan then add the sliced onion and cook on a medium heat until completely softened, so around 15 mins, adding a little splash of water if they start to stick at all.
  2. Crush in the garlic and cook for a 2-3 mins further, then add the butter.
  3. Once the butter is foaming a little, add the mushrooms and cook for around 5 mins until completely softened.
  4. Season everything well, then tip onto a plate.
  5. Tip the flour into a bowl with a big pinch of salt and pepper, then toss the steak in the seasoned flour.
  6. Add the steak pieces to the pan, splashing in a little oil if the pan looks particularly dry, and fry for 3-4 mins, until well coloured.
  7. Tip the onions and mushrooms back into the pan.
  8. Whisk the crème fraîche, mustard and beef stock together, then pour into the pan.
  9. Cook over a medium heat for around 5 mins.
  10. Scatter with parsley, then serve with pappardelle or rice.
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