Natto With Rice



  • 1 cup short-grain white rice (cooked)
  • 2 (50 gram) packets fermented soybeans (natto)
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce (to taste)


  1. Place the hot cooked rice in a large rice bowl.
  2. In a small bowl, combine two packets of natto (fermented soybeans). If the package comes with packets of seasoning sauce and karashi (hot Japanese yellow mustard), add the contents to the bowl. Mix vigorously with chopsticks.
  3. Add in favorite garnishes to the natto. Additional soy sauce may also be desired, to suit individual taste. Any number and combinations of the above-suggested garnishes may be added into the natto mixture.
  4. Next, top the steamed rice with the mixed natto, and add extra garnishes as desired. Eat immediately.
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